Boost your confidence to boost your business

Written by Lisa Denniss, The Wellbeing Hub

Having confidence in yourself and your business will have a massive impact on your success. Being an entrepreneur is a crazy ride of many ups and downs and having a thick skin and determination will help you go far. When you doubt yourself or your business it can quickly spiral into thinking you aren’t good enough and then feel like you don’t want to show up in your business and be visible the way you should be. Being self-aware of those negative thoughts is so important as you can step in and change them.

Here are 6 ways to help boost your confidence to boost your business. Grab a pen and paper and write them down and keep them safe, whenever you get those thoughts, read through what you have wrote to remind yourself how amazing you really are.

Don’t compare yourself to others: Comparing yourself to others will only lead you to feel rubbish about yourself. Everyone is unique and has their own quirks, even if you have the same business, you will have different goals and be on a different path, so comparing yourself is pointless. We often compare ourselves to others who have been in business for much longer, that’s like comparing a 3 year child to 7 year old, they are completely different.  I’ve written a blog about my experience with this from when I first started out in business, and it really taught me a lesson. Stop Comparing Yourself! — The Wellbeing Hub

Learn to understand your strengths and your uniqueness will really help you. No one is you and can ever be you, that is your superpower and that’s why your clients will come to you, so be yourself. A little exercise: write down your strengths and why you are unique and keep this to remind yourself that it’s your superpower.

Take small steps: Your confidence flourishes with every achievement. Break down your business goals into smaller manageable steps. As you accomplish each milestone, celebrate it. I like to call it the confidence steps. A little exercise: think about all the things you’d like to achieve in your business, write them all down and put them into order of how much it will be out of your comfort zone with the most being at the top of the steps.

A list for example: Go live on your business page, attend a networking event, host a webinar, speak at an event, be interviewed on radio. Your steps might feel bigger to smaller than these, that’s fine.

In order of how much it will be out of my comfort zone.

Top Step – Speak at an event

Forth step - Be interviewed on radio

Third step - Host a webinar

Second step - Go live on business page

First step – Attend a networking event

If speaking at an event is the most out of your comfort zone, I said to you that you must do that one first, you’d probably freak out and wouldn’t want to do it. But by starting with, attending a networking event first, it will ease you into it. Our brains like to keep us safe and in our comfort zone, so we want to stretch that comfort zone and still feel safe, one step at a time. When you have completed step 4, the top step won’t seem as scary as it’s only one step to take. So, breaking it down is more manageable and less scary.

Visualise your Success: Visualisation is a powerful tool which lots of successful entrepreneurs use. Really think about what you want, how you want your business to run, the hours you want to work, your ideal client, how much money you want to earn. Imagine your business thriving and yourself as a confident leader. When you know what you want you have a destination. A little exercise: Write down how you want your business to look, the hours you want to work, the money you want to earn, the type of clients you want to work with, how you with plan your day and how you will feel. This will help you feel what you want and help you align with it. Visualise this often as the more you do the more you will be able to feel the emotion and feel it being real. Also think about the person you need to become to achieve it. It will help you align your energy and mindset to achieve the business you really want.

Celebrate your wins/achievements: It can be easy to have a win but be so focused on the next thing that we don’t celebrate that win. Celebrating your wins not only boosts your confidence but gets your brain used to looking for those small wins, as we are very good at looking for the things we haven’t done. A little exercise: write down all your achievements, this can be for all your life or a chosen amount of time. I bet you’ll be surprised at how many things are on the list. Having this list along with the other lists you’ve done in this blog will really help you. When you are feeling rubbish, having negative thoughts or can feel yourself starting to spiral, take out your lists and read them to give you a boost. 

Seek Mentorship: Guidance from experienced mentors can be a game-changer. Learning from someone who's navigated similar paths provides valuable insights and reassurance. If you are struggling with strategy then find a strategist like Kathryn, if it’s confidence then find someone like myself who helps in that area. Investing in yourself is worth it, if you aren’t used to spending money on yourself it can be scary spending money on you. Ultimately it will help to boost your business. Do your research though and make sure you are the right fit for each other.

Build Resilience: Confidence isn’t about avoiding failures; it’s about rebounding from them. Embrace setbacks as learning opportunities. Rejection, I like to call it redirection, it’s never a rejection, not getting a client or opportunity it’s a redirection. I believe it wasn’t meant to be and bigger and better things are planned for you. Having this mindset will really help keep you on track. Working on the steps above will help you build resilience.

I’d love to know how you get on with the exercises. Come and connect with me on and let me know:

LinkedIn: Lisa Denniss

Insta: @thewellbeinghubwld

Website: The Wellbeing Hub

Lisa Denniss, Confidence & Wellbeing Coach and Founder of the Wellbeing Hub

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