Behind the Scenes of My Best Business Month: Strategies That Work

As small business owners, we're naturally curious creatures, aren't we? I've received countless questions recently about what steps I took to make this my most successful month to date.

Well, it's no big secret, I’ll share what worked for me and how you can tailor these strategies for your own business. 

Believe in Your Vision

First and foremost, the bedrock of any thriving business is the belief in oneself and the mission of the company. This month, my unwavering belief in my vision was pivotal. When you stand firm in your conviction, your business model naturally aligns with not just the needs of your clients but your life as well.

Commit to Sales and Relationships

Consistent sales activities, whether daily or weekly, were non-negotiable. But more than just selling, building genuine relationships and engaging in meaningful conversations laid the foundation for sustainable growth. Remember, a 'no' isn't a rejection but a step closer to a 'yes'.

Diversify Your Marketing

Gone are the days when social media was the be-all and end-all of marketing. A multi-faceted marketing strategy, encompassing various platforms and methods, was key to reaching my audience more effectively.

Specialise and Simplify

Specialising in niche services, such as in-person strategy days in inspiring locations, and focusing on a few core services, allowed me to provide unparalleled value. Understanding and speaking directly to my ideal customer made all the difference.

Establish Strong Boundaries

Having clear boundaries and a keen understanding of what to accept or decline streamlined my operations and preserved my energy for what truly matters. Staying unique and not succumbing to industry trends kept my services distinctive.

Know Your Numbers

A rigorous approach to financial tracking and goal setting ensured that I was always on top of my business's health, helping me make informed decisions and stay focused on long-term objectives.

Teamwork and Self-Care

Taking the leap to delegate tasks to a team enabled me to concentrate on client relationships, sales, and strategy. Equally, ensuring regular breaks and holidays kept me working in a sustainable manner, fuelled by my passion for what I do.

Seek Support

Having a supportive network of fellow business owners and a coach is invaluable. Running a business is a solitary journey at times, but with the right support, the path becomes much clearer and less daunting.

Running a business is indeed a rollercoaster ride of highs and lows. But it's those who recognise the journey for what it is—a long-term commitment—that truly thrive, making resilient and wise decisions along the way.

This month was not only my best financially but also personally. I'm more relaxed, happier, and as passionate about my work as ever. If any of these insights resonate with you, it's time to ask yourself how you can integrate them into your business strategy. Remember, success is a journey, not a destination, and every step forward counts.

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